Hands-on Sheep Care

We provide several links to YouTube videos that we think you’ll find helpful, especially if you are a beginner. We consider these basic practices to be something every shepherd should be able to do. There are some inherent risks associated with a number of these practices. So, if you are uncomfortable performing any of these procedures, we recommend seeking training from your veterinarian.
Flipping a Sheep
The simplest way to restrain a sheep to allow foot trimming, blood drawing, or any other procedure is to flip, or tip, them onto their rump. The following video demonstrates this simple procedure.
Hoof Trimming
Trimming hooves is an essential part of foot health in sheep. We typically trim just once per year. The following video demonstrates the basic technique we use to trim hooves on our sheep.
Body Condition Scoring
You can’t tell how much to feed your sheep by listening to them or looking at them, only by handling them. The following videos demonstrate the important skill of Body Condition Scoring. No technique is more important to monitoring the health and managing the productivity of your ewe flock than periodic scoring of their body condition.
This technique is used to evaluate anemia in your sheep and lambs which is strongly related to the degree of infection by Barber Pole Worm, a blood-sucking internal parasite. The first video includes an informative lecture on parasite management in sheep.
The process of “Drenching” is administering a liquid, usually a medication, by mouth to a sheep or goat. This is the most common means of delivering a liquid dewormer.
Drawing Blood
Occasionally, we need to draw a blood sample from an animal for either health or genetic testing. Drawing blood is a relatively simple procedure when trained properly. The following video gives some basic instruction on the procedure.
Giving Injections
From time to time, we may need to administer medicines via injection. This may be an antibiotic, an anti-inflammatory, or a vaccine. This video gives some basic guidance on giving injections.
Tube Feeding
The ability to tube feed a weak lamb is a must have skill. It’s very simple and requires just a few inexpensive supplies.