BCC 703 “Fulton”

We acquired 2 rams in 2015 from farms in Missouri.  The first of these, BCC 703 who we called Fulton, was acquired as a yearling from David Coplen of Birch Cove Farm in Fulton, Missouri.  Tom and Lindsay picked him out of a pen of about 25 rams based on remarkable body condition relative to the others.  With solid EBVs for lamb survival, a flat coat, and excellent muscling, we selected him.  He turned out to be one of the easiest keeping rams we have ever seen.  He brought that thick body type to his daughters and we look forward to seeing their lambs in the coming years.  He was used for 2 years at Waldoview and 1 year at Charmingfare.

Sire Summary


Estimated Breeding Values