As is often said, your ram is half the flock. No single animal is more important to the direction of your breeding program. Here, we profile several Proven Stud Rams that show the progress towards breed improvement that we feel so strongly about. Many of these past sires were strong at one or two traits and were used in complementary matings creating lambs that exhibited the strengths of both sire and dam. Looking at their data today, especially for some of the oldest rams, their contribution would seem insignificant, but among their peers, at the time, we felt they would improve our flocks. Many of these rams are no longer with us, but their genetics have strongly influenced the direction of both flocks. We also provide insight to several Promising Young Rams that have not yet been used significantly at either farm. Consequently, the relative value of their daughters is not fully known. We have high hopes for them and believe these will make lasting contributions to improvement of not only our flocks, but the Katahdin breed overall.
WVF 9-782
WVF 9-782 We’d long been looking for a son of our outstanding ewe WVF 6-436 and we got him in 782. With solid growth, maternal milk and parasite resistance as well as outstanding maternal traits, he really “checks all the boxes” for a high production ewe sire. He has already been used [...]
USD 19030 “Norton”
USD 19030 “Norton” Selected from a long list of potential sires, Norton was brought to Waldoview Farm from the Dale Bumpers Small Farm Research Station in Arkansas. The Dale Bumpers Station is a well-known USDA ARS facility that has focused on developing parasite resistance in Katahdin Sheep. Norton is arguably the most parasite resistant [...]
OHK 066 “Tank”
OHK 066 “Tank” Tipping the scales at 312 lbs at just over 2 years old, this is the largest Katahdin ram we had ever seen, let alone used. When a friend, called from Green Anchor Farm, in Carey Plantation, Maine, informing us they would be fully dispersing in 2018, we decided [...]
WRI6079 “Ross”
WRI6079 “Ross” Ross was selected from an outstanding ewe line bred by Rolling Spring Farm in Glade Spring, Virginia. We brought him to New England and proved him over 3 seasons at both farms. He is an excellent “ewe sire”, meaning that his genetic strengths are well-suited to producing maternally strong, [...]
WVF 0919 “Garett”
WVF 0919 “Garett” The first home-grown ram used at Waldoview Farm, WVF 0919, was a son of BCP6-658. We used him on just a few ewes in the fall of 2009, but he sired one of our favorite ewes, WVF 1013. Granddaughters of Garrett form a solid foundation of brood ewes [...]
BCP6-658 “Ted”
BCP6-658 “Ted” Ted (BCP6-658) was the first Katahdin ram imported from out of state for either farm. He came to Waldoview Farm via Birch Hill Farm in Woodstock, Vermont in late summer of 2008. Bred by Barbara Pugh at Cedar Breakes Farm in North Carolina, he was consigned to the National [...]
BUL 12705 “Egg”
BUL 12705 “Egg” This ram really kicked off the sharing of genetics between our two farms. It began with an email message from Tom’s friend Steve Bull of Manly, Iowa late one night in the fall of 2013. “You want a ram? a freebie”, he wrote, “but, you have to go [...]
BCC 703 “Fulton”
BCC 703 “Fulton” We acquired 2 rams in 2015 from farms in Missouri. The first of these, BCC 703 who we called Fulton, was acquired as a yearling from David Coplen of Birch Cove Farm in Fulton, Missouri. Tom and Lindsay picked him out of a pen of about 25 rams [...]
FAH 15298 “Mizzou”
FAH 15298 “Mizzou” Mizzou was acquired as a lamb in 2015 from Fahrmeier Katahdins of Wellington, Missouri to improve our lambing and weaning percentages, and together with BCC 703, to improve genetic connections to Midwest farms, thus improving the accuracy of our performance data. Mizzou was extremely well-built and arguably the [...]
WVF 8-671 “Seymour”
WVF 8-671 “Seymour” Seymour is the most balanced ram ever bred by Waldoview Farm. His outstanding dam is one of our top ewes from our strongest maternal line and his sire, balanced himself, is an exceptionally parasite resistant and well-built ram. His growth was a standout among his peers throughout his [...]
WVF 4-263 “Max”
WVF 4-263 “Max” Born a triplet to an outstanding ewe, Max' muscling and growth were exceptional especially for a triplet. One of the 2 best sons that we retained out of MOF1228, he excelled at growth especially postweaning growth and had the 2nd highest PWWT EBV in NSIP for a few [...]
NWT 7045 “Curtis”
NWT 7045 “Curtis” An outstanding ram from Hound River Farm in Hahira, Georgia, Curtis was acquired as a lamb in 2017. We were initially impressed by his balanced suite of performance data (EBVs), but we’ve come to appreciate his physical presence, although not overly large, he is well built and powerful. [...]
WVF 6-408 “Superchunk”
WVF 6-408 “Superchunk” In 2016, WVF 6-408, affectionately known as “Superchunk”, was born to a short blocky ewe. As his name suggests, he was a stocky well-muscled ram lamb. Although not large-framed, this son of Moose (WVF 4-266) maintained that heavily-muscled body type while he grew. His lambs finish easily on [...]
WVF 4-266 “Moose”
WVF 4-266 “Moose” We had been hoping for a son of MOF1228 that was taller and longer, while inheriting his parasite resistance. We got all of that and more in Moose. One of the 2 best sons of MOF1228 retained by Waldoview Farm, he was an especially good-tempered ram and we [...]
MOF1228 “Sumner”
MOF1228 “Sumner” Purchased from Kathy Bielick (Misty Oaks Farm in Wooster, Ohio) in 2012, MOF1228 was our first truly parasite resistant ram. His dam’s line brought high prolificacy and especially strong lamb survival. His lambs were noticeably more vigorous than others, often aggressively searching for their first drink before they could [...]