BCP6-658 “Ted”

Ted (BCP6-658) was the first Katahdin ram imported from out of state for either farm.  He came to Waldoview Farm via Birch Hill Farm in Woodstock, Vermont in late summer of 2008.  Bred by Barbara Pugh at Cedar Breakes Farm in North Carolina, he was consigned to the National Katahdin Sale in 2016 where he was purchased by Birch Hill.  He was used at Waldoview Farm for 3 seasons between 2009 and 2011.  His strength was growth, especially postweaning growth, and muscling in the hind leg.  He also brought style, balance, and an excellent haircoat, all of which were sorely needed at the time.  Although few of his daughters remain today, BCP6-658 can be found in many of our pedigrees.

Sire Summary


Estimated Breeding Values