WVF 0919 “Garett”
The first home-grown ram used at Waldoview Farm, WVF 0919, was a son of BCP6-658. We used him on just a few ewes in the fall of 2009, but he sired one of our favorite ewes, WVF 1013. Granddaughters of Garrett form a solid foundation of brood ewes at Waldoview Farm. Like his sire, Garrett brought growth, size, and correctness to each mating. In 2010, he was sold to Bootfoot Katahdin Farm in Bridgewater, Maine where he remained herd sire for many years.
Sire Summary
- Registered: 100%
- Twin
- Codon 171: QR
- Lambcrops: 2010
- Progeny: 8 at Waldoview
- Favorite daughter:
- WVF 1013 – Click here for image; Latest EBVs – 6400052010WVF013