WVF 3-206 “Beauty”

This ewe comes from one of the original lines we obtained from the Northeast Katahdin Hair Sheep Project (NEK). Beauty is the 3rd generation removed from an original NEK ewe. She was arguably the best daughter that we retained from her sire, MOF1228. She is prolific, long and tall, with a beautiful flat white coat. For many years, she was the most parasite resistant ewe at Waldoview Farm. Despite raising triplets, she recovers easily on moderate quality pasture and flushes easily each fall. Her lambs are stylish, yet fare well on a forage-based diet especially if under a parasite burden. In 2018, one of her triplets was the most parasite resistant ram lamb that year and ranks among the top in the breed for that trait.
Dam Summary
- Registered: 100%
- Management: Conventional
- Birth Type: Twin
- Codon 171: QR
- Lambcrops: 2014 – 2018
- Progeny: 13 lambs over 5 seasons; 260% lifetime lambing percentage
- Reproductive History: (birth type/rearing type) 2/2, 2/2, 3/3, 3/2, 3/3
- Favorite daughter:
- WVF 6-436 – Click here for image; Latest EBVs – 6400052016WVF436
- Favorite son:
- WVF 8-721 – Click here for image; Latest EBVs – 6400052018WVF721