WVF 9-782


WVF 9-782 We’d long been looking for a son of our outstanding ewe WVF 6-436 and we got him in 782.  With solid growth, maternal milk and parasite resistance as well as outstanding maternal traits, he really “checks all the boxes” for a high production ewe sire. He has already been used [...]

USD 19030 “Norton”


USD 19030 “Norton”  Selected from a long list of potential sires, Norton was brought to Waldoview Farm from the Dale Bumpers Small Farm Research Station in Arkansas.  The Dale Bumpers Station is a well-known USDA ARS facility that has focused on developing parasite resistance in Katahdin Sheep.  Norton is arguably the most parasite resistant [...]

WVF 8-671 “Seymour”


WVF 8-671 “Seymour” Seymour is the most balanced ram ever bred by Waldoview Farm.  His outstanding dam is one of our top ewes from our strongest maternal line and his sire, balanced himself, is an exceptionally parasite resistant and well-built ram.  His growth was a standout among his peers throughout his [...]

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