NSIP Online Sale (AOB) – Consignments
Friday, July 10, 2020. Bidding opens at 8:00 AM EDT; Closing at 8:00 PM EDT
Willoughby Sales, wlivestock.com
While You Are Here, Check Out Our Consignments…

Lot #7 WVF 9-782
This ram was one of our top young sires in 2019. He offers good balance across multiple traits, but is especially strong in the maternal traits. He is in the top 2% for number of lambs born (NLB) and top 3% for number of lambs weaned (NLW). He also has strong parasite resistance, a flat coat, black hooves, polled, and yes…..he’s RR. His dam is from one of our oldest and most maternal lines out of a Fahrmeier ram. Sire is our outstanding ram “Seymour” that we have used heavily during the last two breeding seasons in both our conventional and grass-fed ewe flocks. We shared 782 with Charmingfare Farm so he has genetic connections to 2 NSIP flocks based on 30+ progeny. We plan to keep the most parasite resistant of his daughters.
- Date of Birth: 3/2/2019
- Birth Type: Twin
- Reared as: Twin
- Birth Weight: 11.6 lbs
- Adjusted Weaning Weight: 63.4 lbs
- Ave Daily Gain Through Weaning: 0.8 lbs/day
- Weight on 7/7/2019: 82 lbs
- Backfat Thickness on 7/7/2019: 2.3 mm
- Eye Muscle Depth on 7/7/2019: 20.3 mm
- Scrapie Genotype at Codon 171: RR
- Polled
EBV’s as of July 1st: Trait ebv (accuracy %)
- BWT 0.32 (78)
- MWWT 0.3 (46)
- WWT 1.43 (76)
- PWWT 2.35 (75)
- PFAT -0.03 (53)
- PEMD -0.26 (69)
- WFEC -49.2 (66)
- PFEC -70.2 (76)
- NLB% 25.4 (39)
- NLW% 23.5 (36)
- USA Hair Index 109.62
NSIP Searchable Database Link: Click Here

Lot # 8 WVF 0-0902
This outstanding triplet ram combines both structural correctness and a balanced set of EBVs from an extremely hardworking ewe. 902 is exceptionally correct on feet and legs with a flat coat, black hooves, polled, and is well muscled through his hind legs. Overall, he has a great phenotype…..I can’t wait to scan him! His EBVs are well balanced placing him in the top 20% for Maternal Milk, top 15% Weaning Weight, top 20% Number Born, and importantly top 5% Number Weaned. His USA Hair Index at over 110 is in the top 5% for the breed. His sire is our outstanding ram “Seymour” that we have used heavily during the last two breeding seasons in both our conventional and grass-fed ewe flocks. We are especially proud to offer 902 in this sale and look forward to watching his numbers climb in years to come.
- Date of Birth: 3/3/2020
- Birth Type: Triplet
- Reared as: Triplet
- Birth Weight: 10.1 lbs
- Adjusted Weaning Weight: 76.0 lbs
- Ave Daily Gain Through Weaning: 0.84 lbs/day
- Weight on 7/5/2020:
- Scrapie Genotype at Codon 171: RR
- Polled
EBV’s as of July 1st: Trait ebv (accuracy %)
- BWT 0.33 (64)
- MWWT 0.7 (48)
- WWT 2.36 (62)
- PWWT 3.58 (62)
- PFAT 0.34 (45)
- PEMD -0.06(53)
- WFEC -25.3 (54)
- PFEC -52.3 (60)
- NLB% 15.3 (41)
- NLW% 21.0 (38)
- USA Hair Index 110.5
NSIP Searchable Database Link: Click Here
Too busy on sale day??? Can’t figure out how to bid online??? Want to put in a reserve bid??? We can put you in touch with the sale coordinator, just let us know. We can deliver either ram most anywhere in New England. Also, will be picking up new rams in Ohio around August 1st and can drop off any of these rams along our route out of New England and through Pennsylvania, New York or Ohio. Furthermore, we can help arrange for either ram to go further south or further into Midwest. Just let us know how we can help. Please give us a call at (207) 852-2764 or send email if you have any questions at all.